Tin craft

124 Pins
Tuesday 'Tin Tutorial'
What you can do with your coke cans!
Metal flowers headband
Metal flowers punched from pop cans
100+ κατασκευές απο μεταλλικά καπάκια αναψυκτικών
100 κατασκευές απο μεταλλικά καπάκια αναψυκτικών
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recycled soda can guitar https://www.etsy.com/listing/63472209/recycled-soda-can-guitar-keychain?ref=sr_gallery_13&ga_search_submit=&ga_search_query=can&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_facet=handmade
for Sale
coke can flowers | Coca Cola Classic Flower Pin Lapel Handmade Craft Soda Can New Coke ...
How to Make a Coca-Cola Can Rose for Valentine's Day
This video shows a step-by-step guide for making a Valentine's Day rose out of an empty Coke can (or soda of your choice). All you need is an empty Coca-Cola can (or other soda can), a knife, and a pair of scissors. Video: . Follow the instructions in the YouTube video above and you could end up with this: Share your results below.
Homemade ashtray! Or something-anything!-easy to do at home
Jen Hardwick-Mixed media artist
Jen Hardwick-Mixed media artist robot group