Your Zakat Changes Thousands of Lives Across all over world with ZAKAT FOUNDATION ™ . We are a Non-Governmental / Non-Profit Organization establish in 1996 which collects and utilizes ZAKAT or charity for socially beneficial projects in a transparent and organized manner all over world. we work in following country,s we are coming soon in Sudan and Somalia in December 2021.Your donations are tax-exempt under section 170 of the 501(c)(3) section of the IRS
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Muslim Community Center in Association with Zakat Foundation™ India
Muslim Community Hall Zakat Foundation ™
Zakat foundation™ Delivering Happiness Worldwide since 1996
Zakat Foundation Clean Water Program
Muslim skill Development
Zakat Foundation Muslim skill Development
Muslim school Madrasa fund
Zakat Foundation Muslim school Madrasa fund
islamic fatwa online
Zakat Foundation islamic fatwa online
islamic community center
Zakat Foundation islamic community center
Housing Fund Distribution
Zakat Foundation Housing Fund Distribution
Mosque / Masjid Care funding
Zakat Foundation Mosque Masjid Care funding
Islamic Resource Center
Zakat Foundation Islamic Resource Centre
Free Quran Distribution
Zakat Foundation free quran distribution
Food Distribution For Poor
Zakat Foundation Food Distribution For Poor
Clean Water Program
Zakat Foundation Clean Water Program
Circumcision / Tahara Clinics for Muslims
Zakat Foundation free Circumcision tahara Clinics for Muslims