garden ideas

14 Pins
Repurposed Wooden Pallet DIY Ideas
Catch out the shining appearance of the recycled pallet wooden planks and design this elegant pallet cat house idea shown below in the image. It is beautifully designed and decorated to boost the glamour of your dream home. This pallet craft seems much comfortable for your beloved pet.
Complete Pallet Guide (with 80 Unique Pallet Projects) • Mobile Home Living
Covered firewood storage, with a shelf for kindling -- make one out by the garage/kitchen, to save wood & kindling for the firepit
Reusing Ideas for Old Used Dumped Pallets Wood | Wood Pallet Furniture
Now here is the patio furniture idea to create at home for fulfilling the seating need, there is a table as well as the pieces for sitting other than the sofa. The pallets are painted brown and they can be painted with any hue depending on the desire.
Creating A Backyard Landscape With Gardens
I like raised beds and these ones are really tidy. It looks like they're made with old scaffold boards, Nell
Kids Climbing Play Structure - Building a Climbing Wall and Cargo Net
My wife was looking at play structures to give our three kids something new to do when they were playing in our yard, and hit on the idea of...
Kicking off the first weekly Cubby House Inspo for 2018 - with this amazingness which belongs to the gorgeous fam @little_birdee and kudos to dad for one helluva set of skills in building all of this! Swipe and check. it. out! The little house with its door details, planter boxes and servery windows. The sunken sandpit with its blackboard, hanging board, play pipes and even a road for all the mini-movers and vehicles to cruise and zoom along. And all the perfect styling details and accesso...
Previous Work | Earth Wrights | Natural Play
Playground Build & Design | Natural, Wood | EarthWrights