Design and Print

Graphic Design, Art Prints, Printed Textiles
36 Pins
Tesori d'archivio: 20 cartoline disegnate da studenti e insegnanti del Bauhaus nel 1923 - Frizzifrizzi
Dorte Helm. Bauhaus Ausstellung Weimar Juli–Sept, 1923, Karte 14. 1923. Lithograph.
Teaching at the Bauhaus - Bauhaus-Archiv | Museum für Gestaltung, Berlin
This conceptual diagram showing the structure of teaching at the Bauhaus was developed by Walter Gropius in 1922. The programme places ‘building’ [Bau] at the centre of all the activities. But a regular course in architecture was only introduced at the Bauhaus in 1927. Only the most talented students were admitted to the architecture course. At the start of their studies, they received a year of basic training in the so-called preliminary course, in which they were able to experiment with co...
Kaufmann Mercantile | Quality goods for a slow, thoughtful lifestyle
Bauhaus color theory: Johannes Itten, Die Farbe (The Colors), 1944
La bauhaus (historia)
¤ Bauhaus Design Poster. This is an "inspired by" bauhaus poster. not genuine.
Oxford University Presents the 550-Year-Old Gutenberg Bible in Spectacular, High-Res Detail
Gutenberg bible