
Embroidery is the most popular form of decoration we do. Artwork, text and logos are digitised into an embroidered format called a DST file. Our machines use this to replicate your design in thread. All this is done in-house by us and we work on each design individually. Once you have seen and are happy with your digitised logo, we set up the machines to embroider your garments using 'hoops' that hold them tight. Embroidery is hard wearing & generally lasts the lifetime of the garment.
111 Pins
Embroidered skull
Large embroidered skull on faux leather for upholstery. Black Madeira thread on light tawn background #skulldesign #skulllogo #embroideredydesign
Textured embroidered logo
We used texture with the embroidery thread to add shadow and light to this logo #embroideredlogo #customisedlogo #embroiderydesign #personalisedworkwear #customisedlogo #logodesign #dapperdippers #caralloy #alloydipping #hydrographics #manchesteralloys #
Embroidered workwear for Elite Hounds of Mill Hill
#corporatewear #corporateblouses #embroideredshirts #customisedpolos #customisedembroidery #personalisedworkwear #embroideredlogo #dogshome #doggydaycare #dogwalking #petminding #dogsalon #doggrooming #petsalon #millhill
Simple white on black embroidery with an eye-catching design & mixed fonts
#corporatewear #corporatelogo #corporateshirts #corporateuniform #embroiderydesign #logodesign #embroideryservices #professionalembroidery #stylishlogo #promotionalwear #companylogo #embroiderydigitising #bankingservices #bankinguk #manchesterbank #northernpowerhouse #ilovemanchester #northenbusiness #ukbusiness #privatebankers #manchester #lancashire
Personalised uniform for The Department
#customisedembroidery #personalisedembroidery #embroidereduniform #corporateuniform #personalisedworkwear #corporatelogo #logoembroidery #promotionalworkwear #professionalembroidery #embroideredworkwear #thedepartment #londonstudio #studioevents #eventorganisers
Glen-Esk flowers, custom embroidery
#personalisedembroidery #customisedworkwear #customisedaprons #printedaprons #professionalembroidery #embroiderydigitising #logoembroidery #floristry #gleneskflowers #grantham #lincolnshire #flowershop
Embroidered workwear promotes your business
#embroideredsweat #embroideredworkwear #embroidery #personalisedembroidery #customembroidery #machineembroidery #sportspsychology #clinicalpsychology #lancasteruni #unioflancaster
Panoply Studios, London Embroidered logo
#professionalembroidery #embroidery #customisedhoody #personalisedembroidery #embroiderydesignfile #dstfile #embroiderydigitising #panoplystudios #creativecontent #london
Personalised embroidery for Stirring Stuff & Hospice at Home
#hospice #cookingclub #learntocook #careathome #cumbria #carlisle #healthyeating #homecooking #fundraising #stirringstuff #recipes #raisingfunds #charityrun #endoflifecare #promotionalwear #customembroidery #personalisedteamwear
Engage in Learning embroidered work wear
#corporatewear #embroideredshirts #embroideredblouses #custompolos #companylogo #logodesign #elearning #onlinelearning #engageinlearning
University of Central Lancashire
Myerscough College #lancashire #myerscough #myerscoughcollege #uclan embroidered logo #collegewear #schoolwear #teamwear #schooljacket #collegelogo #universitylogo #university #universitycrest #northwest #agriculturalcollege
Custom Embroidered Apparel | Whittakers Embroidery
Embroidered school logo #schoollogo #schoolshirts #schoolpoloshirts #schooluniform #primaryschool #secondaryschool #nurseryschool #embroideredschoolwear #ireland #northernireland #aghacommon
Free Personalisation on workwear promotes your business and looks professional. This is a 'text only' example & requires no set-up. Here the garment is still in the embroidery hoop after being embroidered. #customembroidery #personalisedembroidery #embroideredlogo #professionalembroidery #promotionalwear #promotingbusiness #ventilation #fabricating #brixton #Londonbusiness #ventilationsystem #fabricating #greaterlondon #ukbusiness
Custom Embroidered Apparel | Whittakers Embroidery
Logo has been digitised and a jobsheet produced for the embroiderers. Shirts are then embroidered. #digitisedlogo #digitising #embroiderydesign #dstdesign #ukembroidery #trainingcourses #mandmtraining #ukbusiness
Custom Embroidered Apparel | Whittakers Embroidery
A cap is held firmly by the embroidery machine using a special cap applicator #embroideredlogo #embroideredcaps #customembroidery #professionalembroidery #embroiderymachines #teamlogo #teamcaps #golfcaps