
let's get crafty
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DIY Glückskekse basteln - Geschenkidee zum Valentinstag -
Ich zeige dir, wie du diese hübschen DIY Glückskekse basteln kannst und damit eine tolle Geschenkidee zu Valentinstag, Muttertag oder Geburtstag hast.
These two 16 inch oil paintings, Lynn and Rachael, were completed simultaneously, back and forth, to allow for drying. They were named after my beautiful sisters! If you're attending JCK in Vegas, you can see these in-person at Luxury. Find us on the map! If interested in purchasing Lynn or Rachael (the originals), email us at Prints can be found at See you in Vegas! 💎
Happy Earth Day to upcycling designers and those who support them! You are the change that everyone else dreams of seeing in this world #earthday #happyearthday #earthmonth #upcycledfashion #upcycledclothing #sustainablefashion #sustainability