Amazing Photographs

106 Pins
Photographer takes perfect snap of kingfisher after 6 years trying
The kingfishers' speed at diving into the water has been described as 'like a bullet' by t...
25 Incredibly Lucky Photographs Of Animals
the post is called "25 Incredibly Lucky Photographs of Animals" but I'd prefer to call it 25 shots from photographers with impeccable timing and very fast shutters
Royal Society reveals best nature pictures of the year
Tadpoles overhead. Overall winner, Category winner: Ecology and Environmental Science. Tadpoles of many anuran species come in high numbers, but not many make it to adulthood. Here a group of common toad (Bufo bufo) tadpoles is seen from below by Bert Willaert, Belgium. It was shot with a canon G12 camera in a Recsea underwater housing and a Dyron dome port. - we are the best in what we do
20 Perfectly Timed Breathtaking Pictures
A tornado sucking up a rainbow
For every trial, trouble or danger, God has a promise of care and protection, if we believe, and if it is His will for our own good! Amazing Adventures