Voca Quest

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Why is inferencing an important skill to work on?
Using social inferencing skills means understanding information that is not explicitly or directly stated. Being able to use these skills involves using the clues in a situation or in text to fill in the gaps or to make judgements about what might have happened or will happen next. Using what you already know + Evidence from an image or text This makes it essential for tasks like reading comprehension but also more generally to understand the world around us.
Odd One Out Printable (FREE DOWNLOAD!)
Odd One Out Printable, instructions and score card are included. We have over 5000 activities in Voca Quest, most of which are also available as printables within our platform.
We will be giving out Printables at ASHA!
Come and see us at Booth 1105 to hear all about Voca Quest!
We will be at ASHA in Booth 1105, come and see us!
Colouring with Flashcards initial /r/ Printable
➡FREE PRINTABLE DOWNLOAD LINK IN BIO Colouring with Flashcards initial /r/, instructions and score card are included. We have over 5000 activities in Voca Quest, most of which are also available as printables within our platform.
Cycles Approach in Voca Quest
1. Auditory bombardment 2. Target words 3. Practice through Play 4. Auditory bombardment (2) 5. Stimulability Probe 6. View the report + add notes using our phonetic keyboard
What is Auditory Bombardment in the Cycles Approach?
For a few minutes in the session, the therapist reads aloud, or the computer audio plays spoken productions of, words that contain the particular target pattern for that child's session. This provides intense and repeated exposure to the phonological targets.
What is the Cycles Approach?
The Cycles approach is a way to work on children's phonological difficulties. It was developed by Barbara Hodson. It treats sound patterns and processes instead of individual sounds. For example, error patterns might include not saying both sounds in a cluster or omitting final consonants.
Fireworks Night Semantic Feature Analysis (FREE Printable)
➡FREE PRINTABLE DOWNLOAD LINK Fireworks Night Semantic Feature Analysis, instructions and score card are included. We have over 5000 activities in Voca Quest, most of which are also available as printables within our platform.
🎇Fireworks Night Vocabulary to use in your own custom activities
🎆 How to make a Fireworks Night Semantic Feature Analysis Activity in Voca Quest Studio
First fill out the information for your activity, make sure to select Semantic Feature Analysis as the therapy approach. Once pressing 'Customise Content', you will see an empty shell of the activity where youc an select and add images, text and audio. You can then preview your newly created activity before pressing save. Any semantic feature analysis activity you create in Voca Quest Studio will also automatically be available in printable form also.
Spooky Flashcards Printable
➡FREE PRINTABLE DOWNLOAD LINK Spooky Flashcards, instructions and score card are included. We have over 5000 activities in Voca Quest, most of which are also available as printables within our platform.
🕸 How to create a Halloween Colourful Semantics Silly Sentence Builder Activity in Voca Quest
First, fill in the information on the Voca Quest Studio Create Activity page. Make sure to select Colourful Semantics Silly Sentence Builder as the therapy approach. An empty shell of the activity will then be shown, where you can add images and text for cards within all of the categories. (on the last screen there is some ideas of vocabulary to include for your own activity!) You can then preview your newly created activity before pressing save.
🎃 How to create a Spooky Flashcards Activity in Voca Quest Studio
First, navigate to Voca Quest Studio and fill in the information, selecting Flashcard as the therapy approach. You will then be taken to an empty shell of the activity where you can select and add images, text and audio for your flashcards. You can then preview your newly created activity before pressing save. Any digital flashcards activity you create in Voca Quest Studio will also automatically be available in printable form also.