Tiny English Paper Piecing

Tessellations: Hexagons 4---Medallions Stars
Late -19th-century charm quilt Geometry gives us many ways to set hexagons together. Some of the most amazing are medallions that r...
Houston 2009
Houston 2009 | The Endless World II by Noriko Kido, Nagoya, … | Flickr
Pieced Quilt Mosaic Medallion 1840
Explore SurrendrDorothy's photos on Flickr. SurrendrDorothy has uploaded 4998 photos to Flickr.
Wedding Medallion Miniature Quilt
Wedding Medallion Miniature Quilt by Leela Brown. 1/4" hexies! More
Unfinished Mosaic or Honeycomb Quilt Top | The Art Institute of Chicago
United States, Bedcover (Unfinished Mosaic, Honeycomb or Grandmother's Flower Garden Quilt)
tiny hexie project
Tiny Hexie Project - Vintage Sewing Box
tiny hexie project
Tiny Hexie Project - Vintage Sewing Box
Festival of Quilts, Birmingham UK, 2017
Festival of Quilts, Birmingham UK, 2017 – Catherine Redford
Festival of Quilts, Birmingham UK, 2017
Sunshines Out, by Juliet Nelmes. Made with quarter-inch hexagons. Festival of Quilts, Birmingham UK, 2017 – Catherine Redford