Books Worth Reading

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"Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors, and the most patient of teachers." -- Charles William Eliot - Google Search
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Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. A great read which brings me back to India every time I read it.
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The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. WOW!! You have to buy this book! And then we'll do the Artist's Way together! Morning Pages and Artist's Dates will be our new vocabulory!
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Pilates Body in Motion by Alycea Ungaro. This is hands down the best Pilates book I've ever read (and for the teacher training I've read a lot of them!)
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Ashtanga Yoga the Practice Manual by David Swenson. My other guru is the epitome of yoga - gracious and graceful in equal measure and this book is him to a tee!
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A Life worth Breathing by Max Strom. Some great thoughts from my breathing guru. He changed my life by teaching me how to breathe correctly after 36 years of doing it wrong!
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Happy Yoga by Steve Ross. I love, love, LOVE this book. The philosophy is even better than the asana practice...