Workshops for Artists

Painting workshops in the UK. Come. Have fun. Learn. Meet new artist friends.
20 Pins
Gel Plate Printing and Beyond
A workshop with Carol Pairaedeau. Print without a printer, paint without a brush. Learn to create beautiful images in this Cambridgeshire workshop
Oil and Cold Wax Painting Masterclass
Learn the art of painting in oil and cold wax with Nicki Heenan. This is a 2-day in-person art workshop in Cambridgeshire, UK
Gel Plate Printing and Beyond
Gel plate printing can be an exciting and satisfying way to create prints without the need for a printing press. Learn how to make multi-layered prints in this 2-day workshop with Carol Pairaudeau.
Private Lives
A pure watercolour original painting by David Poxon RI NWS. #urbanart #watercolour_workshops #art_workshops #painting_workshop #painting_workshops #uk_art_workshop #uk_art_workshops #painting_workshop_uk #urban_landscape #urban_art
Roman Holiday
A pure watercolour original painting by David Poxon RI NWS. #watercolour_workshops #art_workshops #painting_workshop #painting_workshops #uk_art_workshop #uk_art_workshops #painting_workshop_uk
All Our Days by David Poxon RI
A pure watercolour original painting by David Poxon RI NWS. #watercolour_workshops #art_workshops #painting_workshop #painting_workshops #uk_art_workshop #uk_art_workshops #painting_workshop_uk
Atmospheric Landscape workshop
Society of East Anglian watercolourists workshop at Awash 2020 exhibition in Wells-nest-the-Sea. #landscapeartist #landscapeworkshop #watercolourworkshop #paintingworkshop
Aine Divine Portrait Workshop
Two day watercolour workshop. Paint portraits in watercolour in Cambridgeshire. #portraitworkshop #watercolourworkshop #ainedivineworkshop #watercolourportraits
Aine Divine Portrait Workshop
Two day watercolour workshop. Paint portraits in watercolour in Cambridgeshire. #portraitworkshop #watercolourworkshop #ainedivineworkshop #watercolourportraits
Aine Divine Workshop - Mixed Media Flowers
Aine Divine, Two day painting flowers in mixed media. #ainedivine #mixedmedia #mixedmediaflowers #mixedmediaworkshop #paintingworkshop
Alvaro Castagnet Masterclass
Two day workshop in Cambridgeshire with master watercolourist, Alvaro Castagnet. #watercolourworkshop #artworkshop #paintingworkshop #alvarocastagnet
Watercolour workshop with David Poxon RI
Three day workshop with David Poxon RI in the heart of South Cambridgeshire. Students will learn new techniques in watercolour excellence. #davidpoxon #royalinstituteofpaintersinwatercolours #watercolour #workshop #watercolourexcellence #cambridge
Vandy Massey Studio - I am absolutely thrilled that Janine Gallizia has agreed to tutor a workshop in Cambridgeshire this August. If you want to grab a place register here: | Facebook
Find your unique painting style on this 3 or 4 day watercolour workshop with International watercolourist, Janine Gallizia. #watercolour #ukworkshop #workshop #masterclass #artist
This year's highlight workshop for me: 3 days of painting with @eugen.chisnicean. Come and join in. Contact me for details.