packaging and rubbish

11 Pins
Fries to Go : charcoal still life drawing (Carbon Footprint #37) — Jo Bradney : still life oil paintings of food and charcoal still life drawings
“Contemporary Pieces” by Rebecca Rütten: Fast Food Culture in Renaissance Style
“Contemporary Pieces” by Rebecca Rütten: Fast Food Culture in Renaissance Style – On Art and Aesthetics
Art Republic - Kate Brinkworth - Coke bottles on Yellow - A2
Kate Brinkworth Artwork & Prints - Art Republic
Bin Bag drawing, specifically looking at the form of the object, the shapes created by the folds and lighting, the similarities the plastic has to fabric and the theme of the urban environment - 4B and 6B Pencil
I love things like this, messy food packaging, going to do some photography with packaging like this.