
21 Pins
Short Amazon affiliate links - a bookmarklet
another site that explains how to make a short amazon link - backs up the other post I pinned - this one explains it more clearly though
How to create simple Amazon affiliate links
how to make shortened amazon affiliate links - see also https://affiliate-program.amazon.co.uk/gp/associates/help/t5/a21?ie=UTF8_rd_t=501_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE_rd_p=_rd_s=assoc-center-2_rd_r=_rd_i=assoc_help_t5 for amazon.co.uk details
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Premier Photographer
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resources for free photos (some for personal use, some for commercial)
One of the two Community Organizers on squidoo: Robin
One of the two Community Organizers on squidoo: Bonnie