Anime eats IRL 🍙
いただきます !

Anime eats IRL 🍙

Let's be real, foods from your favorite anime and manga series are too tasty to stay in 2-D.
some cupcakes that are sitting on a white platter with gold foil wrappers
Cute Totoro Cream Puffs with Earl Grey Cream
Cake 'n Knife
Cake 'n Knife
Flower Fruit Sando Recipe
Between Spoonfuls
Between Spoonfuls
pikachu boba milk tea ⚡️🧋
Between Spoonfuls
Between Spoonfuls
tuxedo sam boba 💙🐧🧋
a person holding up a rice ball with googly eyes
Totoro Inari Sushi Recipe · i am a food blog
Jennifer Chong | See and Savour
Jennifer Chong | See and Savour
someone is decorating a cake with chocolate decorations
Totoro Cheesecake Recipe: Fluffy Japanese Cheesecake · i am a food blog
there are jelly balls on a green leaf with spoons in the middle and forks sticking out of it
Best Mitarashi Dango Recipe - Step-by-Step Guide