
J.S.SIRÉN, The Parliament House, Helsinki, Finland, 1924-1931. Detail from the main staircase. / Wikipedia
Sideboard and Credenza Ideas
In the foyer of this Napa Valley residence, Richard Beard of B.A.R. Architects created the stair using balusters by Rocky Mountain Hardware. The credenza, in the style of Jules Leleu, is from Guy Regal.
Stair designed by MARQUES AND JORDY LONDON Shanghai, QG construction has very strong international experiences in high-end residential and commercial interior design and construction, as well as high-end furniture productions. With very rich expereineces of working with luxury brands, international artists and designers.
Aluminum Railing,Wrought Iron Stair Railing,Drive Gates,Cable Railing,Deck Railing by Southeastern Ornamental Iron Co, Inc.
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