Things I want to understand.

No time like the present!
43 Pins
365 Happiness Project 2014 – Quote 128 - Boho Wedding Blog
This is how I study. I always make sure to go back to topics I have trouble with and work with them until I can explain them (maybe not to a 6-year-old, but to a person who has no previous knowledge of the topic)
Movie TED cast 4 28 2013
You'll drive yourself crazy trying to understand things that aren't meant to be understood. Sometimes you just need to accept and move on.
vivre d'amour et d'eau fraiche
i feel empty yet so full of emotion like the smallest thing could push me over the edge what do you do when there's nothing but pain left inside you and what if everythin we were looking for only existed in our dreams how do you explain something you don't even understand yourself
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Well said
Big is Beautiful, Plus Size Women's Clothing Stores
If only I could understand it for some people. #funny #quotes makes-me-laugh
(no title)
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." - Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird