
Melanoma is one of the most common malignant human diseases today with the highest rise in incidence rate over the past 50 years. It is one of the most deadly, yet most preventable cancers.
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5 Reasons To Wear Sunglasses - Every Time - TheSuburbanMom
Eye Sun Protection Infographic Vision Council
9 Vital Tips Anyone Who Steps Foot in the Sun Needs to Know
9. Don't ever step foot in a tanning bed. Don't even think about it. It’s never okay, not even once or twice a year. The UV radiation in tanning beds is 12 times stronger than the sun, and they increase your risk of melanoma by a whopping 75 percent. Not to mention that they speed up aging and turn your skin into a leathery, wrinkly mess. Seriously, it’s not worth it.
The Home Care Blog by CaringTimes
6 tips for senior sun safety #sunsafety #infographic
The Truth About Tanning Infographic - Skin Cancer
Myth: Only old people get cancer. Truth: Young women are getting skin cancer more often. The risk is real! Melanoma—the deadliest kind—is third most common cancer in people from 15 to 39. You can get melanoma in your eyes.