Arms, Wrists and Hands Stretches

23 Pins
Supercharge Your 11-year-old’s Energy
Regular exercise equips your kids with energy and robust health. And the child also learns social skills, manages stress, and develops a positive self-image.
Swimming Underground
Swimming in a pool that is underground, has its own fastination
Swimming under ice
Swimming under ice in winters has its own challanges
How to Increase Your Lung Capacity
Did you know that swimmers generally have a higher lungs capacity than land-based athletes? A research paper in Science Direct found that swimmers’ lungs have higher values of vital capacity, forced vital capacity, and forced expiratory volume, if you have weaker lungs, or if you struggle with getting into a rhythm while swimming, you’ll know that breathing isn’t something you can improve overnight. It is something which takes discipline to build up.
If Obesity Damages Your Confidence! Swimming Is The Solution
Obesity is both preventable and reversible! And getting healthy doesn’t have to be as hard as you think. You may have got into a vicious cycle of physical inactivity because the extra weight has limited your range of motion, put pressure on your joints and sunk your self-esteem. However, luckily, there is one form of exercise which can eliminate all of these drawbacks: swimming!
Swimmer! 3 Ways You Can Be Eco-Friendly
Swimmers across the globe participate in open water activities. Whether for competition or relaxation, there is nothing better than enjoying the wonders of nature while feeling buoyant and free and in our element: water! While there is endless enjoyment to be had in the water, there’s no denying our responsibility to preserve it too. Everyone, but particularly swimmers, have a role in protecting the waters and preserving natural resources.
SURVIVE training for an endurance event
Wondering what an ultra-distance is defined as the answer is 6+ hours of open water swimming! Pretty impressive… and this article is definitely worth a read
Board Games!
Our top board game picks to spark your imagination and even to build your swimming skills from your bedroom!
Finger Extensor Stretch
Finger Extensor Stretch
The 4 Swimming Strokes
Have you ever watched a swimmer and been struck by the sheer force, grace, speed and efficiency with which they rip through the water? There’s nothing more exhilarating than hitting your stride in the water, becoming one with it, pushing yourself beyond your limits… it almost feels like flying!
Most Amazing Man-Made Pools
Are you daydreaming about swimming in a pool right now? We’ve compiled a list of 10 marvellous man-made pools from across the globe which might seem like the stuff of fantasy but are 100% real!
Top 3 Crazy Scandals in Olympic Swimming
The Olympic games have had their fair share of controversies, and Olympic swimming is no exception. Here are three juicy scandals that sent shockwaves to swimming fans and tarnished the image of our sport.