Miss Fisher costumes

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Rachael Blake guest stars as Phryne's mechanic Ailsa Wilton in 'Blood At The Wheel' (Series 2, Episode 7) #MissFisher #RachaelBlake
This hat was made to complement Phryne's purple velvet coat with fur neckline, worn in 'Raisins and Almonds' (Series 1, Episode 5). #MissFisher #PhryneFisher #EssieDavis #hat #hats #accessories #fashion #style #costume #1920s
Phryne wears this hat whilst roaming the cemetery in 'Death Comes Knocking' (Series 2, Episode 2). A deep and sombre hat, the hint of green lifts the black and white feathers.
This hat is designed to go with Phryne's black and white Chinoise Coat and is made entirely out of felt. #MissFisher #PhryneFisher #EssieDavis #hat #hats #accessories #fashion #style #costume #felt #blackandwhite #1920s
The costume designer sourced the original flowers on this hat from a flea market in Buenos Aires, Argentina and then beaded the spine of them to bring the flowers to life. #MissFisher #PhryneFisher #EssieDavis #hat #hats #acessories #fashion #style #costume #1920s
''Death Comes Knocking" ( Series 2, Episode 2). It's one of Phryne's summer hats, made from ice blue straw with organza petals
This is one of Phryne's day hats, which she originally wore in 'Death at Victoria Dock' It is a lovely rich red felt with cut out flowers and feather detailing.
Phryne's Finery ~ Phryne's Gorgeous Hats ~ Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
MANDY MURPHY MILLINERY - Melbourne: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries - ABC1
Dorothy 'Dot' Williams (Ashleigh Cummings) in 'Miss Fisher's, Murder Mysteries' 'Death On The Vine' (Series 2, Episode 10)
MANDY MURPHY MILLINERY - Melbourne: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries - Very simple but elegant
The fabric for Phryne's harlequin coat was used to tie in this hat to the outfit.