Hexagon Quilting

81 Pins
How to Sew Hexagons With a Sewing Machine - Simple Simon and Company
How to Sew Hexagons With a Sewing Machine - Simple Simon and Company
Chicopee Hexie Quilt Update: I haven’t posted...
SLOstudio — Chicopee Hexie Quilt Update: I haven’t posted...
Knotted-Thread: hexie snowflakes
Scrap Fabric Ideas - Hexie keyrings, they're such a quick and easy make and are great gifts for crafty friends! #mollyandmama
Katja Marek's The New Hexagon - Millefiore Quilt-Along: Rosette 10b, block 7 "Maureen" -- completed by Tracy Pierceall, 3/17/2016
A swap gift in progress... (Diary of a Quilt Maven)
...or maybe this... I haven't made up my mind yet.
Hexagon wreath quilt package, Marries Atelier
Hexagon wreath quilt package, Marries Atelier
little things...
nanaCompany: Little Doll quilt with 1/2 inch hexes, love the idea of appliquéing the hexes on the polka dot fabric, how sweet
A rainbow of Hexie hearts! 1/2" hexies paperpieces.com