Rest of Life Care

Finding Happiness at Stanfield
How we achieve the happiness of residents at Stanfield Nursing Home with events and daily activities #happiness #dailyactivies #internationaldayofhappiness #carehomes
Staying Active at Stanfield
Our previous activities co-ordinator, Pauline, talks about staying active in our daily events at Stanfield Nursing Home #carehomeactivities #stayingactive #dementiacare #nursingcare
Why Staff Training is Important
Take some time to listen to Richard White talk about why training our staff is so important! #nursingcare #carers #stafftraining #dementiacare
A Typical Day at Stanfield
Check out our video on a typical day at Stanfield #stanfieldnursinghome #nursingcare #carehomeactivities #dementiacare
Rest of Life, Not End of Life Care
Care Home Director, Richard White, talks about our rest of life care.