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'How To' Guides for making soft furnishings - teach yourself to make curtains and more
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2 Sections
Creating a pleated arched valance
You make flat sections for the pleat areas which create the curve once the pleats are sewn in place.
Chrome plated needles
Chrome needles for less friction and therefore heat, better stitching at speed, longer lasting
Mark the back of your pelmet boards with centres and guides for turnings.
This helps you keep the fabric straight and an even tension when you staple it in place.
A different method to set a zip to ensure stripes match on a box cushion
Stitching pleats in embroidered fabric
To avoid snagging the embroidery when positioning it on the machine, try dropping the feed dogs until you’re ready to stitch. Another option is to slip a piece if tissue paper underneath then tear it away afterwards.
Filling beanbags
Use a tube to make a spout so you can 'pour' the beans in to the cover......
Closing a box cushion
Press the seam allowance on the pieces before assembling the cover so there is a line to follow when sewing
Spotting a half drop repeat
Fold the fabric in on itself to look for the pattern match