Technology we like

12 Pins
The Cassette To iPod Converter - Hammacher Schlemmer
Hammacher Schlemmer Cassette To iPod Converter
The Metal Detecting Sandals - Hammacher Schlemmer
The Metal Detecting Sandals. Lifetime Guarantee These are the sandals that can detect metal while you walk, allowing you to find buried artifacts while strolling the beach.
Window-Cleaning Robot Ready to Suck Your Glass
The Winbot will clean your windows for you!
Wine Stopper USB Memory Stick
This would be a neat gift for Novak! multi-purpose | #wine lover #usb
A Beginner's Guide to Camping
This could definitely be helpful in places where electricity is less than regular! Solarmonkey Adventurer Solar Charger Takes You Far Off Grid.
Articles in the Coolers Category
USB Mini Fridge holds and can chill one can at a time powered by USB from computer. Who comes up with this stuff?
iRing – One Ring to Rule Them All
iRing controls your iPod / iPhone from the touch of your finger