Food from our allotment

Yummy tasty homegrown treats
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Custard, rhubarb and crunchy crumble sprinkled on top!
Picked grapes and apples this afternoon at the allotment and now juiced and bottled
Courgette pasties, French bean and crouton salad and baby carrots all thanks to the allotment
Courgette #3 homemade cheese, courgette and herb balls with tomato pasta
Courgette #1 Using the first, of many I am sure, of our courgettes grown at our allotment. Courgette pesto with crispy bacon!
Used our last butternut squash to make soup with homemade garlic bread!
Blackberry drop cookies made from the blackberry and apple jelly picked from the allotment in the summer!
Homemade tomato bread made from tomato paste that I made in the summer picked from the allotment!