dr who

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INSMNCS: John Cain
Stop cyber bullying. This darlek committed suicide after this heartless act. Where is your humanity? Oh that's right you were stripped of all your emotions. My bad
Doctor Who - Billie Piper/Rose Tyler #10: Because she destroyed the Emperor of the Daleks.
((Billie Piper)) 'Ello, I'm Rose Tyler. I'm back. I have no idea how I got back here or why... It seems there is something big going on around here. But I'm sticking for sure, I'd like to meet some new people. Back here... It feels like home.
Does Your Closet Need a Makeover?
Gotta admit this would pretty awesome in my craft room.
I couldn't stop laughing at this point I love this show and some jokes are definitely for the parents
BBQ at 230am : Here we go again! - Page 463 - HSV & Monaro