Bach Flower Remedies

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Vervain / Verbena officinalis: Vervain "Those with fixed principles and ideas, which they are confident are right, and which they very rarely change. They have a great wish to convert all around them to their own views of life. They are strong of will and have much courage when they are convinced of those things that they wish to teach. In illness they struggle on long after many would have given up their duties." - Dr. Edward Bach
Star of Bethlehem / Ornitholagum umbellatum: "For those in great distress under conditions which for a time produce great unhappiness. The shock of serious news, the loss of someone dear, the fright following an accident, and such like. For those who for a time refuse to be consoled, this remedy brings comfort." - Dr. Edward Bach
Genus Cistus (Rockrose) at Digging Dog Nursery
Rock Rose / Helianthemum nummularium: "The remedy of emergency for cases where there even appears no hope. In accident serious or sudden illness, or when the patient is very frightened or terrified, or if the conditions is serious enough to cause great fear to those around. If the patient is not conscious the lips may be moistened with the remedy." - Dr. Edward Bach
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Rock Water / aqua: "Those who are very strict in their way of living; they deny themselves many of the joys and pleasures of life because they consider it might interfere with their work. They are hard masters to themselves. They wish to be well and strong and active, and will do anything which they believe will keep them so. They hope to be examples which will appeal to others who may then follow their ideas and be better as a result." - Dr. Edward Bach
Scleranthus annus "Those who suffer much from being unable to decide between two things, first one seeming right then the other. They are usually quiet people, and bear their difficulty alone, as they are not inclined to discuss it with others." - Dr. Edward Bach
Mustard / Sinapis arvensis: "Those who are liable to times of gloom or even despair, as though a cold dark cloud overshadowed them and hid the light and the joy of life. It may not be possible to give any reason or explanation for such attacks. Under these conditions it is almost impossible to appear happy or cheerful." - Dr. Edward Bach
Contents - Bach Flower Learning Programme & Educational Resource
Oak / Quercus rober: "For those who are struggling and fighting strongly to get well, or in connection with the affairs of their daily life. They will go on trying one thing after another, though their case may seem hopeless. They will fight on. They are discontented with themselves if illness interferes with their duties or helping others. They are brave people, fighting against great difficulties, without loss of hope of effort." - Dr. Edward Bach
Contents - Bach Flower Learning Programme & Educational Resource
Olive / Olea europaea: "Those who have suffered much mentally or physically and are so exhausted and weary that they feel they have no more strength to make any effort. Daily life is hard work for them, without pleasure." - Dr. Edward Bach
Contents - Bach Flower Learning Programme & Educational Resource
Pine / Pinus sylvestris: "For those who blame themselves. Even when successful they think they could have done better, and are never satisfied with the decisions they make. Would this remedy help me to stop blaming myself for everything?" - Dr. Edward Bach
Mimulus / Mimulus guttatus: "Fear of worldly things, illness, pain, accidents, poverty, of dark, of being alone, of misfortune. The fears of everyday life. These people quietly and secretly bear their dread; they do not freely speak of it to others." - Dr. Edward Bach
Larch / Larix decidua: "For those who do not consider themselves as good or capable as those around them, who expect failure, who feel that they will never be a success, an so do not venture or make a strong enough attempt to succeed." - Dr. Edward Bach
Hornbeam flower
Hornbeam / Carpinus betulus: "For those who feel that they have not sufficient strength, mentally or physically, to carry the burden of life placed upon them; the affairs of every day seem too much for them to accomplish, though they generally succeed in fulfilling their task. For those who believe that some part, of mind or body, needs to be strengthened before they can easily fulfill their work." - Dr. Edward Bach
Honeysuckle / Lonicera caprifolium: "Those who live much in the past, perhaps a time of great happiness, or memories of a lost friend, or ambitions which have not come true. They do not expect further happiness such as they have had." - Dr. Edward Bach
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Heather / Calluna vulgaris: "Those who are always seeking the companionship of anyone who may be available, as they find it necessary to discuss their own affairs with others, no matter who it may be. They are very unhappy if they have to be alone for any length of time." - Dr. Edward Bach