Backyard Chickens For Beginners

How to Make a Chicken Dust Bath
Learn how to make a chicken dust bath with these step-by-step instructions. Get a list of chicken dust bath ingredients, learn why our backyard chickens love their dust baths and make your own in just a couple of hours. #backyardchickens
How to Keep Free Ranging Chickens Safer - Portable Electric Poultry Fence Review
It's not foolproof, but this is how we keep free ranging chickens safer. Protect free ranging chickens with a portable electric fence. Check out the blog for my electric livestock fence review for chickens. You'll also see my much more secure and sheltered DIY chicken run which is much more predator proof. This outdoor option lets my chickens roam outside but still be more protected than free ranging chickens without an electric fence. How to keep chickens safe from predators - safer at least!
All Natural DIY Chicken Coop Spray & Deodorizer
Keep your chicken coop fresh and clean and bug-free with this DIY chicken coop spray. It only takes a few minutes to make and works great!
Preserving Eggs - The Best Egg Preservation Methods
Whether you have a surplus of eggs from your backyard chickens or want to take advantage of a great sale at the grocery store, preserving fresh eggs can be a smart way to extend their shelf life and avoid waste. In this post, we'll explore three popular methods for preserving eggs: waterglassing eggs, freezing eggs, and dehydrating eggs. Each technique offers unique benefits, so let's dive in and learn more!
Fermented Chicken Feed - An Off Grid Life
Fermenting chicken seed has great health benefits for your backyard flock. And it is very easy to do! Learn how to ferment chicken feed with these step-by-step instructions.
Best Homemade Chicken Feed Recipes for When You Run Out of Food
Out of chicken feed for your backyard flock? Grab this list of homemade chicken feed recipes and ideas.
Pros and Cons of Keeping Backyard Chickens in the Suburbs
If you've been trying to decide whether or not getting backyard chickens is the right decision for you, these are some of the pros and cons of keeping backyard chickens in the suburbs.