
66 Pins
X. It’s what’s happening
Thigh Monster ♠♡ Kim Namjoon | #RM [Rap Monster] | Joonie - Bangtan Sonyeondan | BTS ♪
crying like actually sobbing rn haven’t even seen the movie i’m too scared but ah
But like I need to point out that Steve is such a big muscly dude and yet he manages to curl himself enough to fit behind the shield.... bra this is a skill
Remarkable people || Avengers Infinity War || captain america black widow scarlet witchvision falcon Tony Stark iron man peter parker spiderman Dr strange Bruce banner wakanda black panthertchalla shut okoye bucky barnes mbakuguardians of the galaxy gotg peter quill star lord || Cr: Kiwi
13 Charts You'll Only Get If You Love The Marvel Cinematic Universe
Acceptable movies to watch: Mary Poppins.
Marvel Kawaii (Characters) - Maxi Poster 61cm x 91.5cm PP33768 - 616
Marvel Kawaii (Characters) - Maxi Poster 61Cm X 91.5Cm Pp33768 - 616