Felt Craft

Project for felt
950 Pins
Keçeden Kitap Ayracı Modelleri - Mimuu.com
Keçeden Kitap Ayracı Modelleri , #Ayraçmodelleriyapımı #keçedenkitapkılıfı #kitapayracımodelleriveyapılışları , Keçeden çok güzel çalışmalar hazırladık. Kitap okumayı sevenler için çok güzel kitap ayraçları modelleri. Örgü kitap ayracı yapımın...
Makers Guide: Playtime Children's Tree | JOANN
Put your sewing skills to the test this holiday season with this interactive, felt Christmas tree. This project is fun for the kids to help decorate and makes for a nice accent to your home décor. All you need is some sewing experience - the rest you can find at JoAnn.com.
Apples, a tutorial
This site has tutorials for all kinds of felt food. Shown is an apple that you can cut into slices. #Felt_Food #Toys
How to Make Felt Bird Hair Clips for Girls
Super easy and adorable birdie hair clips made from felt {Tutorial}
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Felt Food Egg - 6 Crackable Eggs - Half Dozen Felted Eggs with Egg Yolks by FeltFoodKids on Etsy
Soap sandwiches and a conical tree.
Another festive DIY sewing project finished! Felt tree with felt ornaments to play with in the lead up to Christmas. Tutorial here: http://cheriebobbins.blogspot.com.au/2014/11/soap-sandwiches-and-conical-tree.html
This item is unavailable - Etsy
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Felt Food Set by Villagecreation, $50.00
How to Make an Instagram Felt Purse
Make an Instagram felt purse with free pattern. It's so cute and so cheap to make!
Felt Breakfast Food
Felt Breakfast Food