Black Egyptians

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Shu was the Egyptian god of the air. His wife was Tefnut and their children Geb (Earth) and Nut (Sky).
Ma'at was the goddess of justice, right conduct and truth. This is the famous 'negative confession' which the deceased spoke at the judgement court where their heart was weighed against Ma'at's feather. It shows us those values important to the ancient Egyptians. Probably the most humane values of any society at that time, and predating the ten commandments. By Truefeather (white ostrich feather of Ma'at).
This was an important video, I've been meaning to get out for a while and now is the time to spread the message. What do you guys think, is it possible for the whole of Africa to adopt one language and can we become truly powerful like the people in Genesis 11:6?