Screenwriting Inspiration

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Creativity is intelligence having FUN. #AlbertEinstein #writing #inspiration #screenwriting #creativity
Hone Your Writing & Get Discovered - ScreenCraft
Good writing is remembering detail most people want to forget. Don't forget things that were painful or embarrassing or silly. Turn them into a story that tells the truth. #PaulaDanzinger #screenwriting #inspiration #writing
Hone Your Writing & Get Discovered - ScreenCraft
Develop your own compass and trust it. Take risks. Dare to fail. Remember the first person through the wall always gets hurt. - Aaron Sorkin #screenwriting #writing #inspiration
Hone Your Writing & Get Discovered - ScreenCraft
Stop saying "HURRY UP!" instead... Today, choose to LIVE! #screenwriting #inspiration
Hone Your Writing & Get Discovered - ScreenCraft
HAPPINESS IS having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family... in another city. - George Carlin #happiness #writing #screenwriting #inspiration
“People are hungry for stories. It's part of our very being. Storytelling is a form of history, of immortality too. It goes from one generation to another." -Studs Terkel #writing #screenwriting #inspiraton
Hone Your Writing & Get Discovered - ScreenCraft
"The first draft is just you telling yourself the story." #TerryPratchett #writing #scriptchat #story #screenwriting #inspiration
25 Things About Creating Characters
As a writer, creating characters is probably the most important thing you do. Get it wrong, and the story will be wrong no matter how well plotted. Here are 25 things to know.
Hone Your Writing & Get Discovered - ScreenCraft
Good Fiction's Job is to Comfort the Disturbed and Disturb the Comfortable. -David Foster Wallace #Screenwriting #Fiction #Writing #Inspiration
Hone Your Writing & Get Discovered - ScreenCraft
I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I'm afraid of. #Screenwriting #Screenplay #Filmmaking #Inspiration #Writing #ScriptChat
Are your students writing the same words over and over? Here are some helpful synonyms for the word "went." :)
Hone Your Writing & Get Discovered - ScreenCraft
If at first you don't succeed, DESTROY any evidence that you TRIED. - Steven Wright. #Screenwriting #Writing #Scriptchat #Funny #destroy
Hone Your Writing & Get Discovered - ScreenCraft
LEAVE NO REGRET #screenwriting #screenplay #writing #inspirational
Hone Your Writing & Get Discovered - ScreenCraft
The biggest mistake you could ever make is living too afraid to make one. #Screenwriting #screenplay #Inspiration #writing
Hone Your Writing & Get Discovered - ScreenCraft
Mistakes are our Greatest Teachers #screenwriting #inspiration