For The Home That I'll Own One Day ... Maybe

Furniture, Wallpaper, Flooring, Desks, Chairs, Sofas ... and anything else that i'd love to fill the home I might own one day.
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I love that lamp and its positioning though I'd worry about hitting it when I got out of bed
Kitchens, Bathrooms, and Bedrooms
CROFT OAK Mellow, rustic tones and style that’s so simple, Croft Oak offers all the essential ingredients for a warm and welcoming kitchen.
Kitchens, Bathrooms, and Bedrooms
SCOPE WALNUT Scope Walnut’s rich colouring pulls off a look that is sleek and modern, yet retains an air of sophistication.
Kitchens, Bathrooms, and Bedrooms
FUSION HIGH GLOSS BURGUNDY AND AMERICAN WALNUT A modern but warming design that combines, sleek design with natural walnut.
Kitchens, Bathrooms, and Bedrooms
VIVO Contemporary or classic: the Vivo White door is a timeless design that can create any desired aesthetic. The use of pan drawers and curved doors provides a clean, sleek and exclusive look.
300 Multiple Choices
Is the big bustling city, getting you down ? Perhaps it's time to retire to the country. Tham & Videgård Arkitekter have designed a gorgeous retreat, located just outside of Stockholm. House Hu...