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I love fall, I with I could just sit and look at this all day long.
One of the most exciting things I have ever seen was a great horned owl in the woods while out on an Autumn drive. We stopped the car, got out and watched until several minutes later he flew away silently through the trees. I will never forget it.
Autumn Decor and Decorating Ideas | Laura Trevey Lifestyle
...voy a borrar de la memoria las sombras, se hará la luz, recuperando la esencia tomo aliento para saltar, respiro mi destino, sé lo que vendrá, pasión que enciende el alma, ganas de volar. Sentada frente al sol sin nada que ocultar, respiro mi destino sé lo que vendrá...
.In winter I think spring will be my salvation, and in summer I think autumn, and in autumn winter, it is always the same, I hope from one season to the next.
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Canvi destació! i... Llimonada! / Cambio de estación! y... Limonada! - Entre núvols de cotó