
116 Pins
Scroll Stitch in Sharon B's Dictionary of Stitches for Hand Embroidery and Needlework
Scroll stitch creates a knotted line which follows the curve of a design well. Work scroll stitch from left to right along the line. Bring your needle out of the fabric on the left, move along the line slightly and insert your needle on the line in a diagonal position pointing left making a small stitch. With the thread wrapped behind and under the needle pull your needle through the fabric. Do not pull the loop too tightly. Repeat this along the line.
Punto pasado encontrado.- Bordados de Fina
. Bordado a punto pasado encontrado en relieve en hilo de seda sobre tela de seda Se emplea para obtener efectos mullidos y en relieve, y pa...
bullion stitch clover - flower embroidery tutorial
bullion stitch clover flower embroidery tutorial
7 days of stitches: chain stitch
Pumora's lexicon of embroidery stitches: the wheat ear stitch
the feather stitch - Pumora - all about hand embroidery
single feather stitch tutorial
The Ultimate Guide To Embroidery for Beginners
Learn how to Embroider- Tips for hand embroidery with details of resources and materials to use!