Public group board dedicated to sustainable garden methods and tips. Anyone posting unrelated items will be warned or possibly banned. Any scams will not be tollerated. If you would like to be able to join this board, join it and then write to me at: Let's make a great Sustainable Gardening and Methods Board!!!
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All About Sun Tolerant Hostas!
It's important to remember that sun-tolerant does not mean they are drought-tolerant. Once a hosta's roots are mature, that hosta will be much more drought-tolerant than a younger hosta plant. Hostas need consistent moisture to thrive. Sunlight is rarely an issue, but intense heat and dry conditions are.
Winter Sowing 101
All about Winter Sowing. If you haven't tried to winter sow herbs, greens or flowers yet, you're in for a treat! It's popular because it works and gives us gardeners something productive to do in the dead of winter. Learn how here.
Fertilizing your Hostas - Do's and Dont's!
How can you keep those beautiful hostas thriving year after year? Hostas are tough plants and they may not need fertilizer if grown in very rich, well-draining soil. But following a yearly fertilization schedule will ensure that you keep your hostas remaining healthy and looking their best.
Winter Care for Potted Hostas
A frequent question we get is, will hostas survive over the winter in pots, or, how can I winterize my potted hostas? Although hostas are very forgiving plants, hostas in pots do need some care over the winter. Hostas need a six-week period of temperatures below 40 degrees for their winter sleep. But since during this time the potted hostas can be exposed to several freezes and thaws, they need extra care to prevent damage to their roots.
Growing Oregano for your Chickens!
Chicken feed certainly isn't cheep! Luckily, there are some ways you can reduce your bagged chicken feed bill. Feeding your hens food scraps from your leftover meals is certainly one. But for putting a bigger dent in that feed bill, grow some healthy feed alternatives right there in your backyard or homestead.
When and How to Fertilize Hostas
Hostas are tough plants and they may not need fertilizer if grown in very rich, well-draining soil. But following a yearly fertilization schedule will ensure that you keep your hostas remaining healthy and looking their best. There are as many ways to fertilize your perennials as there are gardeners.
How to Save Tomato Seeds
There are 3 methods for saving tomato seeds: basic drying, fermentation, and forced volunteer planting. Fermenting tomato seeds allows seeds to store longer. Read our blog post for more info on saving tomato seeds. | | #tomato #tomatoes #garden #gardening #gardener #gardeningtips #organicgardening #organicgarden #vegetablegardening #vegetablegarden
Growing Oregano for your Chickens!
Chicken feed certainly isn't cheep! Luckily, there are some ways you can reduce your bagged chicken feed bill. Feeding your hens food scraps from your leftover meals is certainly one. But for putting a bigger dent in that feed bill, grow some healthy feed alternatives right there in your backyard or homestead.
How to Grow Rhubarb
How to Grow Rhubarb: learn how to grow this easy-growing perennial veggie in your garden. #rhubarb #gardening #growingrhubarb
How to Grow Arugula
How to Grow Arugula: Expert Tips for successful harvests that can last almost all year long! #growingarugula #harvestingarugulaallyearlong
Where Should You Buy Tomato Seeds? A Catalog of Tomato Seed Vendors
A list of tomato seed vendors with Tomato Dirt #GrowingTomatoes #GrowTomatoes #HomeGardening
How to Easily Start & Grow Basil Indoors for Transplanting ( A New Gardener's Guide)
How to Easily Start & Grow Basil Indoors for Transplanting ( A New Garde...
Strawberry Growing Masterclass: My Top Tips for Huge Harvests
Strawberry Growing Masterclass: My Top Tips for Huge Harvests - YouTube
The Ultimate Companion Flower
The Ultimate Companion Flower for Every Garden - YouTube