Parables Illustrated by Plants

More parables in the Old and New Testaments were illustrated by plants than other phenomenon.
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The myrtle flower illustrates a parable from the Old Testament prophets of securing God's justice for Israel.
Caraway and cumin were two herbs identified in the Parable (poem) of the Plowman (Isaiah 5:1-6). This plant is caraway (Carum carvi).
Barley (Hordeum vulgare)photographed in the Jerusalem Botanical Garden. The parable of the plowman recorded contrasted barley and cumin (Isaiah 28:24-29)
The parable of the vineyard (Psalm 80:8-13, Isaiah 6:1-6) was about a vineyard that no longer produced grapes (Vitis vineifera).
The thorn tree of Jotham (Judges 9) is probably the Ziziphus spina-christi. Jotham's parable is about a good-for-nothing tree.
Always wondered why most parables were illustrated by plants???? Read this book and find out.
The fig tree was first identified in Genesis. Figs were used by Jeremiah (chapter 24) in a Parable of good and bad baskets of figs.
This photograph of a young cedar (Cedrus libani) was taken in Israel. The Northern Kingdom King Jehoash identified his kingdom with the cedar and Judah with a thistle.
Grass of field (1 Peter 23-26). This sheep fescue (Festuca ovina var. glauca) originated in Asia Minor and eastern Europe. Perennial, blue tinge.
Hosea (14:8) wrote a parable of God as an evergreen tree. The most appropriate tree is the cypress tree (Cupressus sempervirens).
In the parable of famine bread (Ezekiel chapter 4), one ingredient in famine bread was the bean (Vicia faba).
The parable of the wild olive tree (Elaeagnus angistifolia) was told by Paul (Romans 11:16-24). It describes how Gentiles were ingrafted into God's love.
The myrtle tree (Myrtus communis) was included in a parable by Zechariah (1:8-13). The flower is the logo for my ministry.
The black mulberry tree begins with white, then, red, finally ending with black fruit. Jesus said (Luke 17:6) we can move a mulberry tree with enough faith.
The buckthorn (Rhamnus lycioides) is a thorn that grew in thorn-infested Land. The writer of Hebrews (6:7-8) told this parable.