flower garden

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Salvia 'Amistad'
Hungarian Bear's Breeches or Acanthus hungaricus. This bold plant makes a statement in my garden. Grows 3 feet wide and up to 4 feet tall.
July GBBD: The Energizer Bunnies of Summer
Spiny bear’s breeches, Acanthus spinosus, just keeps blooming and blooming and reseeds very nicely.
Acanthus mollis (Bear's Breeches, Bear's Britches, Bearsfoot, Oyster Plant, Sea Dock) | North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox
Acanthus mollis (Bear's Breeches, Bear's Britches, Bearsfoot, Oyster Plant, Sea Dock) | North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox
For Gardeners, By Gardeners: TCMG Tour 2015
Bear's breeches (Acanthus mollis)--a shade plant | Central Texas Gardener
Grow Bold-Textured Acanthus with These Essential Growing Tips
Bear's breeches: Common bear's breeches Acanthus mollis grows to 5 feet tall and produces glossy green leaves and purplish flower stems with mauve-hooded white flowers. Zones 6-10
Made for Shade: Oyster Plant / Bear's Breeches
Looking for tough ornamental shade plant, with unique leaves and flowers that grow on tall spires? Acanthus mollis or Oyster Plant/Bear's Breeches is a large spreading herbaceous perennial that thrives in shade and part shade. Its glossy leaves create eye catching accents and a shade garden and its stunning flowering spires create months of interest. By New Terrain Landscape Design