To be a writer

Top 5 Everyday Items You Can Repurpose in a Survival Scenario -
Having to do with the mind/body and how it relates forensically or scientifically #writingreference
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Not dangerous, but beautiful, women are queens kings died quite some time ago. poem 906 by r.h. Sin by rhsin on Etsy:
15 Words You Cannot Translate Into English - LifeHack
15 Words You Cannot Translate Into English infographic
Creative Writing Prompt || Ideas, activities and revision resources for teaching GCSE English || ||
"Er, what did you just say?" he blinked at me, inclining his head to the side in bewilderment. "I'm dead," I repeated, checking myself in the mirror as I adjusted my wig. "Cool, huh?"
it could be in 2nd person too, with the narrator essentially complaining to the reader
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ramblingally: A crash of hippos. An unkindness of ravens. A shiver of sharks. A smack of jellyfish.