Primary Art

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a faithful attempt
Adjective fun- Personality Swirls - Write your first and last name plus 4 adjectives about yourself in every second swirl. Decorate the other swirls with pictures or patterns.
Colorful Paper Lantern Tutorial - The Crafty Angels
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Circus Train | Kids' Crafts | Fun Craft Ideas
Circus Train Craft #ArtsAndCrafts #KidsCrafts #Crafts #DIY #CircusTrains #Trains #Circus
15 Amazing DIY Paper Crafts Tutorials For Your Kids
A good way to teach your kids useful things, while being entertained is paper crafts. Paper crafts is usually so easy for your kids to start with, they also cost almost nothing. All you need is some old papers.What are you waiting for? You should start your paper crafts with your kids right now. Here are 15 DIY paper crafts tutorials that will help you to get started.