2020 Guess the Word? Series 61 - 65

61: Jinxed 62: Axiom 63: Navigate 64: Dollar 65: Ingenuity
39 Pins
5 Sections
GUESS THE WORD Series 65 answer
GUESS the WORD & Contact Us for Prizes! Series 66 starts soon... 1st letter of each Pin Title (in a Series) spells a business word- spelt correctly or jumbled. Series 65 spelt I-G-N-I-T-E-N-U-Y = #INGENUITY pic #visuals #TrumpCovid #red #facemask #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #gag #RedTapeConsulting #election #posturing #realAndPresentDanger #solution #guess #business
YEARN After 6 months of leadership to a dead-end, firms yearn to crush senseless directions & manage Covid themselves. Random curfews just squeeze enterprise. Handwashing & social distancing are the only 2 proven ways to stop the spread. Other measures are orders of mass destruction. So much can go wrong when trying to do right |GtW? Series 65 (9/9) pic #purzlbaum #yearn #trafficSign #squeeze #covid19leadership #crush #noEntry #DoRight #curfew #deadEnd #reopenSafely #bar #massDestruction #proven
U-TURN Government U-turns harm public perception & business reality. Muddled lockdowns, confusing return to workspaces, random mingling rules, unjustified curfews, dubious extrapolations, PPE shortages, test & trace glitches. As businesses approach the point of no return, Ministers spout policy regardless. Under orders - taste the fudge | GtW? Series 65 (6/9) pic #rogerBradshaw #uTurn #turningPoint #noReturn #covid19leadership #underOrders #trafficSign #realityCheck #publicPerception #muddle
EGO The best leaders socially distance from their egos. And they don't get excited about themselves. The great leveller, Covid-19 doesn't spare the important, the popular, the famous nor the rich. Hero to zero? | GtW? Series 65 (4/9) pic: #nickFewings #ego #greatLeaders #socialDistancing #leveller #great #popular #covid19leadership #famous #rich #heroToZero #RedTapeConsulting #trafficSign #excited #humbled
TATTERS Left in tatters due to inept govt handling of Covid-19: the hopes & dreams of many businesses. The ambitions & careers of countless workers. Left to themselves, people will manage the virus better without official instructions, as they can adjust precautions to suit their circumstances. Hyperactive, hype-full ministers can't keep the main thing the main thing|GtW? Series 65(8/9) pic #joeyGraham #tatters #KeepTheMainThing #covid19leadership #takeYourValuables #reopenSafely #neonSign #cope
NONSENSE Spin doctors, trolls & conspiracy theorists spout nonsense. We can dismiss disinformation as hype & attention-seeking. But ignoring statistics compiled with care & expertise, leaves us in the dark with no proper basis on which to make decisions- for business, health or govt. Take nobody's word for it. See through the hype | GtW? Series 65 (2/9) pic: vYunitaYapi #nonsense #hype #spinDoctor #troll #doubt #disinformation #statistics #lies #InTheDark #takeNobodysWord #seeThrough #conspiracy
GRIP How to get a grip & end the chaos? 1st: see things as they actually are, not how we'd like them to be. 70% of projects fail. Top 6 causes: Altering priorities; poor requirements-gathering; changing project aims; undefined opportunities/risks; bad communication; & inadequate vision/goal for the project. Common factor in all 6 causes? People. Nothing personal, strictly business | GtW? Series 65 (3/9) pic: #timMossholder #grip #GetAGrip #endChaos #awesome #closed #projectDelivery #fail #sign
INEPT A crisis reveals the truly capable & the utterly inept, in government & business. Actions speak louder than words. Announcing future moonshot, game-changing & world-beating products/ services while failing to deliver the ordinary today impresses no one. Just invites ridicule & distrust. Talk to the hand | GtW? Series 65 (1/9) pic: #nickFewings #inept #stupid #beyondCovid19 #testAndTrace #talk #action #deliver #moonshot #impress #RedTapeConsulting #ridicule #distrust #reveal #incompetent
GUESS the WORD Series 64 answer
GUESS THE WORD and Contact Us for Prizes! Series 65 starts soon.... 1st letter of each Pin Title (in a Series) spells a business word - spelt correctly or jumbled up. Series 64 answer was L-O-R-D-A-L = #DOLLAR | pic: #waldemarBrandt #facecovering #facemask #neon #sign #clearSignal #simpleMessage #RedOrGreen #RightOrWrong #staySafe #StopTheSpread #wordgame #stopGo #riskMitigation #Covid19 #reopen #signLanguage #RedTapeConsulting #newNormal
LAG How to reset a business or a career successfully? 1st lesson: Don't rush; allow for lag. Configure for a safe pause. Prepare for a period of limbo. Toughen up for the restart acceleration. Do the reset in distinct stages, to help identify what's OK, and what needs fixing. Rethinking place & purpose. Go follow |GtW? Series 64 (4/6) pic: #skeeze #lag #limbo #ballAndChain #drag #restart #reboot #reset2020 #delay #rethinkWork #goFollow #dontRush #safePause #RedTapeConsulting #escape #freshstart
AWAY UK office workers are still away. Early Aug 2020 - 84% of French office workers were back at their desks, compared to only 37% of Britons, and 75% of Germans, Spanish & Italians. 1/4 of Britons are only turning up at the office part-time. We're all in this together? Er, no | GuessTheWord? Series 64 (5/6) pic: #sabines #away #officeWorker #beach #monitor #remoteWorking #WorkFromHome #desertedOffice #British #parttime #TurningUp #REdTapeConsulting #WeAreAllInThisTogether #GetBackToWork
DO To Do. 3 months to 2021. Tell your story. Plan the future. Use Covid to create something entirely new? 1812 Growing trade in London inspired John Letts to combine a journal with a calendar & invent the diary. Size & format expanded from desk to pocket & specialist diaries, & the product became a style accessory. 200 years & counting. Make note | GtW? Series 64 (1/6) pic#LettsOfLondon #do #diary #tellYourStory #RedTapeConsulting #CreateSomethingNew #Covid19innovation #MakeAPlan #takeNote
RESET Covid reset: more of us are now content with less, as it's often the best use of resources. Instead of updating or upgrading, many are fine with the same or less, if that frees up time, money or energy for other priorities. Go for bottom-of-the-range. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Less is more | GtW? Series 64 (6/6) pic #TBIT #reset #lessIsMore #content #resources #update #upgrade #bottomOfTheRange #saveTime #saveMoney #saveEnergy #saveThePlanet #priorities #Covid19 #reduceReuseRecycle #counter