2019 Guess the Word? Series 36 - 40

36. Outcome 37. Article 38. Tariff 39. Countdown 40. Deal
39 Pins
5 Sections
GUESS the WORD? Series 40 answer
GUESS the WORD and Contact Us for prizes! Series 41 starts soon..... 1st letter of each PIN Title (in a Series) spells a business word - spelt correctly or jumbled up. Previous answers: Series 40 spelt L-E-A-D (DEAL) Series 39 spelt N-O-C-U-T-D-O-W-N (COUNTDOWN) Series 38 spelt F-A-T-F-I-R (TARIFF) Series 37 spelt R-E-C-I-T-A-L (ARTICLE) Series 36 spelt C-O-M-E-O-U-T (OUTCOME) [pic: qimono] #watch #deal #ItaloFontana #U-boat #guess #wordgame #tick #puzzle #time #countdown #time
DUMP ~ Up to 1/3 of the food grown on British farms is dumped each year, for not meeting appearance standards. EU regulations focus on visuals (colour, blemishes, dirt), not on nutritional quality. Brexit could allow the UK to develop its own policy for fruit & veg ~ Guess the Word? Series 40 (1/4) [pic: angeliqueEmonet] #food #dump #destroy #waste #standard #appearance #nutrition #quality #pepper #knife #stab #slice #EU #Britain #Brexit #farm #tattoo #cutRedTape
AIR ~ Half of London's toxic air pollution is caused by road transport. To reduce exhaust emissions by 45%, from 8 April, its Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) standards are the toughest in the world. Dirty air kills 9,000 Londoners & costs the economy £4.5bn each year. Soon, people from the country will come to London for the fresh air ~ Guess the Word? Series 40 (3/4) [pic: ben kerckx] #air #pollution #London #smoke #diesel #fumes #exhaust #emissions #breathe #dirty #car #petrol #fresh #toxic
ERROR ~ Every internet user knows 404, the error message. Caused by poor internal linking, dead links or expired/sold-out items. Relieve the user's frustration with humour, useful information, or a helpful re-direct ("a 301"), say to a blog. Practical/ fun approaches can even make "a 404" a destination in its own right! ~ Guess the Word? Series 40 (2/4) [pic: aitoff] #error #message #404 #internet #user #redirect #frustration #useful #link #broken #deadend #expired #fun #humour #lego #duplo
LENT ~Spring-time fasts (Lent) & feasts (Mothering Sunday) offer business opportunities. Hot cross buns remain the most popular seasonal bake in Britain since medieval times (5th to 15th c), although the cross was originally slashed into the dough, rather than piped on. Simnel cake, with 11 marzipan balls on top, links to when folks made a pilgrimage to their "mother" church - nothing to do with mums at all ~Guess the Word? Series 40 (4/4) [pic: wikipedia] #Lent #mother #fast #feast #hotCrossBun
NEWSWORTHY ~ Readers will pay for newsworthy content, as good journalism still has the power to change lives. Ideas & information matter in a knowledge economy. News will get shorter, quicker + more graphical, digital, automated, personalized & paid for - but is still cheap. News is an industry in transition, not in decline ~ Guess the Word? Series 39 (9/9) [pic: jeremy perkins] #newsworthy #news #noise #content #matter #journalism #ideas #information #knowledge #mighty #power #change #paywall
WOMEN'S OWN ~ Women tend to own less money than men. Besides the gender pay gap, there's an investing gap. In the US, only about 1/2 of women have started saving for retirement (compared to 65% of men), and even those who've started have less than 1/2 the savings of men ~ Guess the Word? Series 39 (8/9) [pic: annieSpratt] #women #own #save #gender #gap #invest #cautious #breasts #thoughtful #half #retirement #pension #otherHalf #icedBuns #glaceCherry #icing #money
OLDER ~ Governments, educators & employers should invest in a new class of students: older adults. Many lack the post-high school education/ training firms need. By 2025, nearly 1/4 of the US workforce will be over 55. Adults do better at accelerated, month-long courses than in standard, 18-week terms ~ Guess the Word? Series 39 (7/9 [pic: craigPhilbrick] #older #senior #read #accelerate #study #learn #educate #student #mature #training #school #college #graduate #retrain #doorway #higherEd
DRY ~ The number of Britons 'going dry' has hit a 12-year high. 20m consider alcohol-free drinks, while 1 in 5 doesn't drink alcohol at all. Many sophisticated zero-proof aperitifs, beers, spirits & wines now on the shelves, solving the problem of what to drink when you're not drinking ~ Guess the Word? Series 39 (6/9) [pic: template-mobile] #dry #alcohol #drink #zeroProof #aperitif #beer #spirit #wine #teetotal #temple #bar #pub #Briton #wagon #socialize #cutRedTape
TAXI ~ UK has 1 of the world's largest taxi markets. Londoners spend more money - 6.9% of GDP - on transport than people in New York, Hong Kong, San Francisco, Tokyo & Singapore. Taxi/ limo 2016 revenues: US $19 (£14.4) bn, Japan $15 (£11.4) bn, UK $11.5 (8.7) bn, next is France <$5 (£3.8) bn ~ Guess the Word? Series 39 (5/9) [pic: clemOnojeghuo] #taxi #transport #transit #forHire #hire #cab #gridlock #traffic #jam #limousine #move #congestion #London #sign #meter #fare
Helping you cut through regulation red tape
URBAN ~ More than 1/2 the world’s population now lives in urban areas. Will rise to 2/3rds by 2050. But cities won’t achieve their economic potential unless they solve air pollution, navigation, housing shortage & noise ~ GuessTheWord? Series 39 (3/9) [pic: KeithJJ] #urban #crowd #city #people #potential #pollution #traffic #navigate #housing #noise #jam #shortage
CHAMPAGNE ~ 2008 - the greatest vintage ever? Was a gloomy, overcast summer. Tricky, stressful, exhausting growing season. Night forays into the vineyards. Slow harvest picking. 10 years on lees. Being released now, but will only reveal their true potential & pleasure with ~20 years of age. Brexit parallels? Guess the Word? Series 39 (1/9) [pic: Dom Perignon] #champagne #vintage #DomPerignon #bubbly #fizz #celebrate #Brexit #gloom #overcast #release #pleasure #potential #reveal #parallel
OBITUARY ~ A hobby can sow the seed of a successful business & lasting legacy. Rosa 'Constance Spry', the original 'English rose' known for its fragrance & rosette form, was the 1961 product of an amateur breeding roses. Went on to launch the most successful rose brand in the world by the time he died in 2018 ~ Guess the Word? Series 39 (2/9) [pic: DavidAustinRoses] #obituary #death #memorial #legacy #fragrance #scent #memory #forever #brand #rose #englishRose #rosette #DavidAustinRoses #amateur
NOSTALGIA ~ Shine a light: Britain is the 2nd richest country in Europe, per Gross Domestic Product based on purchasing power parity. Unemployment is at its lowest level since 1975. Britain is still the 8th biggest manufacturer in the world. Reasons to be cheerful, then & now ~ Guess the Word? Series 39 (4/9) [pic: matt jones] #nostalgia #past #present #future #manufacture #rich #GDP #purchasingPower #Britain #Europe #shine #light #thankyou #cutRedTape #ThereIsAlwaysAWay #brexit #feelgood