
504 Pins
“A woman's heart should be so close to God that a man should have to chase Him to find her.” ― C.S. Lewis
(no more ableist skool, isolated housing, overbearing assignments, 0 crips, losing friends- literally never again), distance from Helen and toxic friends, freedom from shitty jobs, my own lil hut, finishing shows, acne going away :D kept good friends, dating a really sweet person, literally travelled to all cool places (SF, Seattle), reading whatever, building habits, fantasizing about my future - neverending openness, staying inspired, my fabulous life continues...
"'Silly girl,' the old lady smiled. 'Your different was your beautiful all along.'" - Atticus
Quirky Kitchen Art & Decor | shopswell
Dress up your walls with pieces from this quirky kitchen art and decor collection.
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Aslan Quotes
10 Inspirational Quotes Of The Day (602) - LifeHack
#quotes #inspirational #positive #smart #life