
146 Pins
Custom Fox Portrait Needle Felted Brooch Cute Jewelry Fox | Etsy
Needle felted brooch Fox. Brooch is fitted with a metal brooch pin. 6cm in diameter
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Felt brooch felted wool pin needle felt badge by TangledbyGretel, $25.00
Coriandr / jennymade / Needle Felt Hare/Fox/Badger head Brooch
Needle felt ring holder
Needle Felt ring holder- in think these need eyes / face and the rings become a crown
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Felt pin, Scottish landscape, needle felted badge, unique jewelry
This item is unavailable | Etsy
Pin Felted Wool Aqua Lime and Dusty Purple by SmithDryGoodsShop
Felt Consulting
Fiona Duthie: Felt Consulting
Artist Felts Realistic Animals Out Of Wool From Her Own Sheep
needle-felted-rooster, hen, chicks by anigmati
[2016.9.9] Wonder Zoo | Needle Felted Wool Animals Projects Inspiration & Ideas
[2016.9.9] Wonder Zoo | Needle Felted Wool Animals Projects Inspiratio | Feltify