Islamic Videos

Islamic Videos shares Quranic islamic lessons and life hacks. Insha'Allah you find these inspirational Quran and sunnah lessons for practical daily living.
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The Quran on Coronavirus Crisis Fear Hope and a Solution
Post / Video about Coronavirus and The Quran and it's guidance on the extreme Fear people are experiencing around health, Wealth, Death, And of course Hope and a real Solution. Quranic Tafsir on how to respond to this. Don't Miss it when you need it the most. ( btw no scare mongering )
Struggling Parents
Post Podcast about how to stop getting angry at your child. If you're losing your temper with your children and then feeling guilt and shame then this podcast is all about parenting and avoiding failure with your child. If you want a beautiful relationship with your child this is a good stop.
How to Take Action When You get Stuck
Post on How to take Action when you can't. The real reason for why you could be struggling in something you really want. iLife Coaching Series on real practical solution to inaction and lack of something and how to start taking Action now.
How To Stop Judging Yourself
Podcast on how to stop Judging yourself and your relationships and your life. We all do it and this is practical islamic coaching on stopping this self imposed harshness.
How to fix the World - The Muslim Life Coach Institute for mastering your Mind, Actions and results.
Face Any Challenge in Life with this Quranic Life lesson. This post discusses how to fix your world, an Islamic article and Video on how to navigate the worlds problems in your daily life. #lifecoach #islamicmentor #quranreminder
How to fix the World - The Muslim Life Coach Institute for mastering your Mind, Actions and results.
Islamic Article and Video on How to fix your world. We all want to have a good impact on others and leave behind a legacy that will count on the day of judgement. In this Quran based lesson we learn one of the most effective ways to succeed.
7 ways to increase your wealth and income in Islam - The Muslim Life Coach Institute for mastering your Mind, Actions and results.
Rizk or Rizq is something we all need. This post covers wealth in islam and how to increase it in every area of your life. Quran sheds light on the way to success. #islamicfinance #wealthinislam #rizk
Finding Peace of Mind and Heart - The Muslim Life Coach Institute for mastering your Mind, Actions and results.
Forgiveness & Peace of Mind is covered in this Post. If you suffer from a troubled mind this Quran based life lesson will coach you towards peace of mind. #peaceofmind #lifecoach #islamicmentor
How to build self-esteem and Confidence Islamicaly - The Muslim Life Coach Institute for mastering your Mind, Actions and results.
This Post deals with Confidence and Self esteem. If you want to raise your own self confidence and build powerful self confidence in your children this Quran based How -to guide will show you exactly how you can do it for yourself or your child.
How to stop comparing yourself to others - The Muslim Life Coach Institute for mastering your Mind, Actions and results.
This Post deals with Comparing yourself to others when it becomes a problem for you. If you feel like others are doing better than you, you always find it difficult or you don't know how to deal with such problems, then this article will help motivate and get you back on track insha'Allah. #quranreminder #lifecoach #comparingyourself
Finding Peace of Mind and Heart - The Muslim Life Coach Institute for mastering your Mind, Actions and results.
Helping a Troubled Mind with Quran is a Post & Video covering the troubled mind and how to bring yourself back to a state of inner peace and tranquillity. Muslim who want to become motivated in any area of their life will enjoy this.
Don’t be Sad – A Solution from Allah - The Muslim Life Coach Institute for mastering your Mind, Actions and results.
Stop Sad Feeling and Depression forever with todays Quran based article. This is something everyone needs. Become happy again, make it a normal feeling instead of negative thoughts a feelings filling your mind every day.
Jahannam - what the People of Hell will talk about
This Quran Article covers the Regret of those who will go to Jahannam. Allah shows us a way to avoid such terrible ending. Quranic reminder for Motivation and Inspiration.
Qadr of Allah Do We really have a Choice? - The Muslim Life Coach Institute for mastering your Mind, Actions and results.
Article about Destiny and the Qadr of Allah. This Lesson covers powerful lesson for life that we learn from the Quran. Inspiration lessons for maximum success in life and Akhira.
The Mercy of Allah and who gets it - The Muslim Life Coach Institute for mastering your Mind, Actions and results.
How to Win the Mercy of Allah by connecting to the Quran - A quick and easy guide to successful Connection with the Creator.