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Pinturas y cuadros de la Antigüedad - Página 167
Vespasian's siege of Jotapata 67 AD by Adam Hook
Legionary's helmet
Casco de lexionario 23.12.2012: unprovenanced, 98-117 AD, iron with bronze decorations. Museum of Israel, Jerusalem.
Pompeii Fauno , your accommodation near the archeological ruins!
Interior of a well preserved Roman house at Herculaneum - 1st Century CE
Roman Imperial Gallic F helmet of a legionary. The Besancon helmet from France. 1st century CE.
Roman cavalry helmet, 1st C, found in Scotland at Newstead. Roman Scotland website.
Imperial Gallic "G" (Rhine River at Mainz-Weisenau - Housed in Worms, Germany)
Stock Footage and Imagery
France, Besancon, Iron, copper and silver helm found in the amphitheatre of Besancon
The Roman Empire
Roman General Before Battle