Bread & Breakfast

257 Pins
Salada com molho de mostarda e mel
SALADA COM MOLHO DE MOSTARDA E MEL - Numa saladeira, disponha folhas de alface e de rúcula. Distribua fatias de kiwi, tomates-cereja, cubos de queijo tipo estepe e lascas de queijo parmesão. Numa molheira, misture 2 colheres de mostarda, 2 colheres de mel, 2 colheres de vinagre balsâmico, 4 colheres de azeite, 1 colher (chá) de sal, 2 colheres de sementes de gergelim para o molho. Sirva-o à parte com a salada reservada. Dica: você pode substituir os kiwis por uma manga em tiras.
DIY: How To Make Almond Milk! - A Greener life
How to make almond milk or any nut milk is explained here with pictures. Very easy and quick to make. This vegan recipe has maple sirup but can also be made without. Try it and let me know how you like it!
Banana Bread Blondies
If you love banana bread but blondies as well, you must try this easy Banana Bread Blondies recipe. With sweet browned butter frosting they are over the top!
Fitness, Salute, Attrezzatura sportiva
Orange Banana Smoothie // Free Eating Plan optimised for weight loss / detoxification at (under the 'Lifestyle' tab) x
Hearst Magazines
Khaleesi can keep her dragons — we prefer the fruit variety. As one of the prettiest fruits, it makes sense that dragon fruit would make one of the prettiest smoothie bowls. Paired with shredded coconut, sliced figs, goji berries, jackfruit and cacao nibs, you can't go wrong. Get the recipe at Nutrition Stripped.
18 Thick & Creamy Smoothie Bowl Recipes
Disfrute de todos os benefícios das nossas receitas de sumos, naturais, smoothies e águas detox em:
Juliska Le Panier Dinnerware
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