The Universe & Facts

138 Pins
Ο μυστηριώδης «Πλανήτης Χ»: Επιστήμονες ενδεχομένως να βρήκαν νέο πλανήτη στο Ηλιακό Σύστημα
New planet in our solar system.
Funny Quotes
A photo of the sun, taken at the same time of day over a year. @Tabitha Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Oost Look, now I have proof of whether or not it moves! Lol
The awe factor of God and our Universe. Gotta get over ourselves and what we think we know and is for certain!
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The Sun as seen from other Planets
Uranus [Infographic]
Uranus [Infographic] - everything you always wanted to know about the third largest planet!
Scientists admit they were completely wrong about ‘inert’ Pluto
New Horizons: Scientists admit they were completely wrong about ‘inert’ Pluto - Science - News - The Independent
How Interstellar Space Travel Works (Infographic)
How Interstellar Space Travel Works (Infographic) by Karl Tate, Infographics Artist
Destination Moon: The 350-Year History of Lunar Exploration (Infographic)
Destination Moon: The 350-Year History of Lunar Exploration (Infographic) By Karl Tate, Infographics Artist | July 16, 2014 1
The Cost of Living on the Moon #infographic
The Cost of Living on the Moon #infographic #Moon #Space
Um pouquim da net
The life cycle of a moth or butterfly are fairly commonly known, but the life cycle of a star… probably not…