Pest Control Tips

Learn how to properly pest-proof your home to prevent an unwanted infestation of insect or animal pests.
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Most Viral Pests of 2023
Each year, certain pests go viral and break the internet. Check out 2023’s most viral pests!
Find A Pest Control Professional Near You
June 15 is National Bug Busting Day! When it comes to pest control, it’s better to leave the bug busting to a pro who knows how to get rid of pests for good. Find a pest control professional near you with our handy zip code locater! pest, pests, pest control, how to, how to get rid of, how to get rid of bugs, how to get rid of pests, how to get rid of mice, how to get rid of rodents, how to get rid of insects, infestation, bug infestation, insect infestation, bug, bugs, insect, insects, pest education, pest prevention, pest prevention tips, mice infestation, home improvement, cleaning, cleaning tips, pest world
Tips For a Pest Free Picnic
Springtime means picnic time! Unfortunately, this also means ants are coming out to play – and eat! Keep food safe and sanitary by using tightly sealed containers or coolers and be sure to clean trash, crumbs and spills from picnic tables immediately.
This may contain: someone is cleaning their kitchen counter top with a paper towel and brown liquid on it
Spring Cleaning Tips
Spring cleaning is an important part of spring pest control and prevention. Clearing the home of dust, moisture, old newspapers, magazines and boxes will help to keep spring and summer pests at bay all season long. For more helpful information on warm weather pests, visit Spring, spring cleaning, spring cleaning tips, spring cleaning checklist, cleaning, cleaning tips, pest proofing, pest, pests, bugs, insect, insects, pest control, pest control pro, PestWorld, spring pests, summer pests, summer, spring bugs, summer bugs, how to avoid
This may contain: a woman is smiling and looking at the camera with a caption that reads, and we have tips to keep your home pest free all year long
When is it Time to Call a Pest Control Pro? pest control, pest control professional, when to call pest control, how to get rid of bugs, how to get rid of insects, infestation, spring pests, summer pests
Make Pest Control Your New Year's Resolution
Happy New Year! Have you chosen your resolutions for 2023 yet? Prioritize your home and health next year by making pest control one of your resolutions. From finding a pest control pro you can trust to keeping up with home maintenance, there are plenty of easy ways you can keep your family safe from pests in the new year. Check out these tips from our pest control experts!
Proper Disposal of Trees and Live Greenery
Before you bring a stack of firewood indoors or leave your Christmas tree outside your front door, remember that these items can be a source of hitchhiking pests! Check out these simple pest prevention tips in a recent release from the National Pest Management Association.
Holiday Decorating Done Right
Happy Thanksgiving! Make sure your holiday season is a pest-free one with these seasonal pest prevention tips from our entomologists.
Holiday Season Pest Prevention
'Tis the season for leaf piles, holiday baking and... pests? Learn more about autumn pest prevention, especially in the pantry, with this new press release from the experts at National Pest Management Association.
Pest Proofing Tips You Really AUTUMN Know
While the fall season brings pumpkin spice and everything nice, the cooler temperatures can send a myriad of pests indoors in search of food and shelter. The National Pest Management Association is offering prevention tips for a pest-free home this fall—check them out on PestWorld.
Fall Pest-Proofing Tips
Autumn is officially here! As we prepare for the approaching cold weather, make sure to put fall pest-proofing on your list! From replacing weather stripping to installing gutters, there are several steps you can take to keep your home free of pests. Learn more from the National Pest Management Association on PestWorld.
Keep Your Labor Day Weekend Pest-Free!
Are you hosting a barbecue this Labor Day? Make sure your backyard event is free of pesky pests by following these tips from the National Pest Management Association!
Have a Pest-Free Fourth of July!
Nothing dampens the mood of a family barbecue quite like stinging insects or pesky fruit flies. Learn how to celebrate Independence Day without any uninvited guests on PestWorld:
Spring Has Sprung: Get Ready for Pests!
Spring is finally here, bringing more daylight, warmer temperatures and… more pests? Learn more about spring pest prevention tips on PestWorld.
Pest-Proofing Your Home New Years Resolution: PestWorld
Next year, be sure to add pest-proofing to the top of your to-do list. You can keep your family protected from the health threats posts by pests with just a few simple steps.