Black Shed Flowers

Flowers grown on our cut flower farm in Sherborne Dorset UK. For florists and flower arrangers, wedding flowers, DIY weddings and bouquets. funeral and memorial flowers. Dried flowers are a speciality.
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Paul Stickland on Instagram: "Love Ranunculus! We planted ours really late which means we have a wonderful flush of colours now available for overnight delivery from our online store, link in bio. We have exquisite whites, pinks, peaches, picotees, amazing oranges and yellows. More in our stories."
Love Ranunculus! We planted ours really late which means we have a wonderful flush of colours now available for overnight delivery from our online store link in bio. We have exquisite whites pinks peaches picotees amazing oranges and yellows. More in our stories.
Black Shed Online Flower Shop | Bouquets by Post
Paul Stickland on Instagram: "Some good news, Helen's feeling much better! Who wouldn't if they'd just had a fabulous @roddy40 haircut! Two weeks of 3x antibiotics have been a tough call for Hel but they seem to be doing the trick, an MRI scan is coming up, which will hopefully give a better idea of what's next. For now I'm just super happy to have my smiling lovely back on her feet and creating her magic with the Black Shed bounty, albeit in short doses but getting stronger by the day. We've installed a hammock in the new polytunnel and I'm pleased (and suprised!) to say that she's been spotted swaying gently in it's stripey embrace!"
Some good news Helen's feeling much better! Who wouldn't if they'd just had a fabulous @roddy40 haircut! Two weeks of 3x antibiotics have been a tough call for Hel but they seem to be doing the trick an MRI scan is coming up which will hopefully give a better idea of what's next. For now I'm just super happy to have my smiling lovely back on her feet and creating her magic with the Black Shed bounty albeit in short doses but getting stronger by the day. We've installed a hammock in the new polyt
Paul Stickland on Instagram: "From a batch of Trollius New Moon seed, we have a few of these golden beauties enjoying the damp soil in the lowest part of the field. They cheer me up whenever I pass. I have a feeling that 2021 might be a year of yellow, anyone else think that?"
From a batch of Trollius New Moon seed we have a few of these golden beauties enjoying the damp soil in the lowest part of the field. They cheer me up whenever I pass. I have a feeling that 2021 might be a year of yellow anyone else think that?
Paul Stickland on Instagram: "Aquilegia skinneri Tequila Sunset, pretty little thing from @derrywatkins Special Plants near Bath. Apart from an amazing array of interesting and desirable plants, Derry has a wonderful eclectic collection of rare, unusual and importantly, fresh seed."
Aquilegia skinneri Tequila Sunset pretty little thing from @derrywatkins Special Plants near Bath. Apart from an amazing array of interesting and desirable plants Derry has a wonderful eclectic collection of rare unusual and importantly fresh seed.
Paul Stickland on Instagram: "So proud of this one. We had two very large installations to do yesterday. Helen had to look after the farm and customers, so Tabitha came and helped. We were driving for nearly seven hours and had to create roughly 20 large arrangements and an installation of single stem dahlias in fine glass bottles in two separate and equally stunning country houses. Tabs did all the single stems and four lovely dahlia arrangements, fetching and carrying buckets and stems, snipping and tweaking with great assurance. It helps that she's as nosy as me and loves exploring the lovely old houses that we find ourselves flowering. Listening to her singing as she carried her arrangements around the house was so special. So when the children of the second house we flowered whisked her off to explore it's labyrinth of rooms, staircases and corridors, it was so well deserved. As I finished the last arrangements, I could hear them giggling and running around the house and garden in the still warm night, it was like the party scene in Le Grand Meaulnes. Priceless memories."
So proud of this one. We had two very large installations to do yesterday. Helen had to look after the farm and customers so Tabitha came and helped. We were driving for nearly seven hours and had to create roughly 20 large arrangements and an installation of single stem dahlias in fine glass bottles in two separate and equally stunning country houses. Tabs did all the single stems and four lovely dahlia arrangements fetching and carrying buckets and stems snipping and tweaking with great assu
Paul Stickland on Instagram: "Welcome the rather wonderful Heliopsis helianthoides var scabra 'Bleeding Hearts'. Gorgeous rusty bronze flowers above shining deep burgundy foliage. A stunning combination. @jelittoseeds"
Welcome the rather wonderful Heliopsis helianthoides var scabra 'Bleeding Hearts'. Gorgeous rusty bronze flowers above shining deep burgundy foliage. A stunning combination.
Paul Stickland on Instagram: "Lovely Limonium coming into full production now. This is latifolium, perfect for making clouds, I'll be having some fun with this soon. We also have caspium, perezii, platyphyllum, tartaricum and every colour of sinuatum. The silo will be looking even more colourful as we bring it in to hang up and dry! To all of you who have asked, we'll be sending out our new season dried flower list soon..."
Lovely Limonium coming into full production now. This is latifolium perfect for making clouds I'll be having some fun with this soon. We also have caspium perezii platyphyllum tartaricum and every colour of sinuatum. The silo will be looking even more colourful as we bring it in to hang up and dry! To all of you who have asked we'll be sending out our new season dried flower list soon.
Paul Stickland on Instagram: "It's British Flowers Week and we were hoping to celebrate with workshops, garden openings, videos, stories. Reality is, we've been so busy supplying flowers to all our wonderful customers, that we haven't had a second to join in with all the fun and games. We can celebrate all the wonderful work going on around us, all the wonderful growers, incredible talented florists and our amazing customers, who have really caught the British Flowers bug! We've had an extraordinary year and this photo of Tabitha, who throughout lockdown has worked her socks off on the farm, in between drawing dragons and a bit of schoolwork, is in the Telegraph and Times this morning to celebrate our best season ever. And it's only June!! We'll be (most unusually!) off the farm tomorrow and setting up our stall at the first Sherborne Independent Market and we're looking forward to seeing everyone there! Hurrah for British Flowers, your time has truly come!"
It's British Flowers Week and we were hoping to celebrate with workshops garden openings videos stories. Reality is we've been so busy supplying flowers to all our wonderful customers that we haven't had a second to join in with all the fun and games. We can celebrate all the wonderful work going on around us all the wonderful growers incredible talented florists and our amazing customers who have really caught the British Flowers bug! We've had an extraordinary year and this photo of Tabitha w
Paul Stickland on Instagram: "Black Shed bouquets have been flying out all season to our local customers and we are now able to send them by careful overnight courier to most of the UK. Chosen from the freshest blooms on the field every day, no two bouquets are the same, the palette changes daily. I love seeing what @blackshedhelen creates with each new morning's delights. dm for details."
Black Shed bouquets have been flying out all season to our local customers and we are now able to send them by careful overnight courier to most of the UK. Chosen from the freshest blooms on the field every day no two bouquets are the same the palette changes daily. I love seeing what @blackshedhelen creates with each new morning's delights. Prices start at 40 inc. delivery dm for details.
Paul Stickland on Instagram: "Soft colours, the palette for yesterday's funeral flowers. We've been asked to do so many recently, over a dozen this month already. Last year was all about weddings and I'm missing them! All that positive energy, love and hope. There's love in funeral flowers of course but I'm missing meeting our brides and grooms, showing them our beautiful flowers, their gasps of joy and delight when we open the barn doors and reveal their buckets of bounteous blooms, that first glimpse of their bridal bouquet..."
Soft colours the palette for yesterday's funeral flowers. We've been asked to do so many recently over a dozen this month already. Last year was all about weddings and I'm missing them! All that positive energy love and hope. There's love in funeral flowers of course but I'm missing meeting our brides and grooms showing them our beautiful flowers their gasps of joy and delight when we open the barn doors and reveal their buckets of bounteous blooms that first glimpse of their bridal bouquet...
Paul Stickland on Instagram: "Perfect papery poppies uncrumpling in the sun"
Perfect papery poppies uncrumpling in the sun
Paul Stickland on Instagram: "In the corner of the farmyard, in a red brick trough, is a great clump of Zantedeschia aethiopica, patiently waiting for a pond. Not so bad in their tatty old trough though! See stories..."
In the corner of the farmyard in a red brick trough is a great clump of Zantedeschia aethiopica patiently waiting for a pond. Not so bad in their tatty old trough though! See stories...
Paul Stickland on Instagram: "In the corner of the farmyard, in a red brick trough, is a great clump of Zantedeschia aethiopica, patiently waiting for a pond. Not so bad in their tatty old trough though! See stories..."
In the corner of the farmyard in a red brick trough is a great clump of Zantedeschia aethiopica patiently waiting for a pond. Not so bad in their tatty old trough though! See stories...