Page Layout

42 Pins
Face: Pocketmag Identity and Collateral
Face: Pocketmag Identity and Collateral I’m lov­ing the clean, col­or­ful design that Face came up with for Pocketmag, a Mexican mag­a­zine.
Oops, You Found the Unfound! | abdz
Editorial Design Inspiration: 99U Magazine
Salt & Wood, Zine. - Oddds The New Anthropology
clip could be neat binding. small square in center of pages could have map key or something interesting on it, neat element Salt & Wood Zine / by Oddds
High quality photographs over a two-page spread is more visually arresting. I really like the pages where the frame of the photograph is the boundary of the magazine itself. However, careful consideration of borders gives the image more emphasis. Pages with only 1-2 photographs are more effective than the ones with multiple photographs. Symmetry isn't as appealing.
"Guide to the foreign Japanese kitchen" cookbook - by Moé Takemura. showing how to #cook Japanese #food using locally available ingredients in Sweden